The realtime skateboard deck builder card game. 

SKATE has 54 cards in a cardbox. 

Games take 10-15 minutes.  

This game includes enough cards for 2 players. 

All players take turns at the same time, drawing and playing their cards to complete a COMBO!

Build high scoring decks to win a letters.

Collect S K A T E to win.

More games of SKATE can be combined in order to add more players. For example, 2 decks of SKATE allows for 4 players. And 3 decks allows for 6 players to play at the same time. Games with more players may take longer to play than the estimated time.

Print S K A T E for FREE at home and play it with friends. Share the love. 

You have permission to print and use S K A T E under this Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA 4.0. That means you can print it as is and use it with friends, but you can't sell it or make money off of the game(s) you print. You can remix the game as long as you give us credit and share your work under the same creative commons license.